If you have a complaint
Please telephone your Account Manager or our Customer Relations Team on 020 3078 9900. During your phone call we will ask questions about your complaint with the ultimate aim of resolving the problem as soon as possible. If this isn’t possible, we will agree to take a course of action with you.
You can also send your complaint in writing to us at: Broadgate Voice and Data Limited | 90 Paul Street | London EC2A 4NE or via email to sales@broadgatevoice.co.uk
We will protect the privacy of the information that we hold on you during any discussions and we may need to ask questions to confirm that we are speaking to the right person.
Taking your complaint further
For any complaints that are unresolved, simply take it further within Broadgate to the Operations Managers and ultimately to the Managing Director.
If we can’t find a solution to your problem, we will write to you to say so. If you are still not happy and wish to take your complaint further by alternative dispute resolution, you can refer to the Ofcom or Ombudsman Services.
Useful addresses
Registered Address: 86 – 90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE
Correspondence Address: Broadgate Voice and Data Limited | 90 Paul Street | London EC2A 4NE